The other day I was compared to Carrie Bradshaw, people told me they’d imagined me sitting of my bed with my MacBook smoking a Marlboro light writing about failed relationships. Yeah, thanks guys
Tbh, I think I’m a nice blend of Charlotte and Samantha,
“I will wear whatever and blow whomever I want as long as I can breathe and kneel.” - Samantha
“Sex can still be great, even without an orgasm.” - Charlotte
I’m sure I’ve said something like that in the past
This is a music blog so I guess I should write about music. Nah!
Apparently I drank a little too much vodka at this BIG IN JAPAN this week. One of the last things I remember is my friend leaving and saying, “Mate, can you get my coat.” Next thing I knew I was being forcefully dragged into the club and then ending the night doing shots of tequila rose in the basement. The rest is a blur
Woke up the next morning to find out what carnage I had created. I was told it was a lot. I think I might be disowned if I say what happened but the experience will definitely stay with me. When you hit rock bottom real bad I doubt the feeling will ever go away that easily.
Thunderkatz - 3am (Klever’s So So Death remix)
Busted – 3am (Acoustic)