Known around London for playing at club nights like Boombox and 1234 festival, these boys know that they're doing. The above MP3 is a recording from the night, one of their more known tunes, 'single' which is undeniably infectious - definately one of my favourites by them.
Arveene's set last Thursday blew me away - he proved me wrong in my argument for the necessity of laptops for mashing-up and playing with the sound. He'd loop tracks, pile on the effects, drop samples - much like you can with Abelton or Traktor but on CDJ's. It's nothing new - but Arveene seems to do it to an extent I haven't really seen before (other than 2manydjs or Justice etc).
THE SHOES (LIVE) (06/03/08)
I don't think you could have more fun than watching The Shoes. The energy they give out - how they engange with the audience is certinaly refreshing in the current electro scene. There is no pretention here, these boys just want to have a good time. It helps their tracks are amazing too!
They played 11 tracks, including their single which was released last week (17th March) 'Knock Out'. Other highlights was their remix of Primary 1 which brought them to our attention last year, as well as their remix (better than the original in my opinion) of Hadouken's Leap of Faith.
This was their second gig at Big In Japan, don't be surprised if the next time their in the UK you'll only be able to catch them at festivals or somewhere like Fabric.
Definately one to keep an eye on.

Pictures by Dan Spinney.
Hello Mozart!
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